Sat. AM ~ Ennis 5-10yrs


These Forest School sessions encourage children to explore the natural environment, make discoveries, be creative, have fun outdoors and become part of a woodland community where ALL beings are cared-for and respected.

2 experienced and caring Forest School leaders plan activities from week to week guided by their observations of the group’s varied interests and needs.


Place: Lee’s Road Activity Park, Ennis, Co Clare.

Time: Saturday MORNINGS 10:00am – 12:30pm

Dates: 13th April – 22nd June 2024 (9 Saturdays)

N.B. There will be no forest school on 2 dates of this term: 20th April & 8th June.

Cost: €225 for 9 weeks.

There is a reduced cost of €200 for siblings, which equates to one free session.

Group size: Max 13 children.

Category: Tag:

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All Happy Out activities are run by 2 qualified, highly experienced Forest School leaders.

Group size is kept small, allowing children freedom and choice in how they play and learn.

A woodland community is set up, ensuring that all feel safe and cared-for.

Opportunities for supported risk-taking are offered.